API Documentation Version 2

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API Documentation Version 2 ( Date 28 Feb 2020)


Added a new node- “Blacklist”. This array contains the sub sources values sent during click in “pub_sub2” and “pub_sub3”.This should be used for blacklisting at campaign level.


This API is for publishers who want to get offers and its details from automate360.io platform. For the API, publishers need to have the API keywhich is their publisher id generated from the automate360.io platform.Please get the API key from your Account Manager.

This is a server to server API call. Offers should be refreshed every 30 minutes to get the updated details.

  • Informations mentioned below may change , so updating the offer details every 30 minute is highly recommended


    • imageUrl
    • creativeTrackingLink
    • Blacklist
    • Payout Value
    • Capping
  • An offer may become inactive or paused. If an offer is no longer available in API , it means the offer has been paused and it should be paused at your end too. But if the same offer is visible in API again, then it should be reactivated at your end again.For example-If an existing offer is not there in API at time “t1″ and then is visible in API again at time ” t2″, then that offer should be reactivated again at your end in the next ” 30 min update cycle of API.
  • New creatives may get added on an offer, so newly added creatives should get added at campaign level.


Sample API call


Get Method



POST Method


API Response Parameters


Field Name Description
Advertiser Name Name of the advertiser on our Platform
Advertiser Id Id of the advertiser on our platform
Campaign id Campaign Id
Campaign Name Campaign Name
Description Description of the campaign
Package Name Google Play store package name or play store id
preview url Google Play or itune preview url
Start Date Start date of the campaign
End date End date of the campaign
Capping Daily cap of the event on which payout would be made
creativeTrackingLink Tracking link of the creative for the publisher. If a campaign has multiple creatives then all the creatives of that campaign will be returned.Example link-


Publisher should pass

their click id in “pub_sub” parameter.

their source information in “pub_sub2”

their sub sub source information in “pub_sub3”

“pub_sub4”, “pub_sub5”- any other information

“device_id” should be used to pass the iOS Advertising identifier

“google_aid” should be used to pass the Google Advertising identifier.

creativeName: Name of the creative
creativeId id of the creative
imageUrl image url of creative. Supported format jpg,png,
size Size of the creative in pixel. Sizes available-

320 by 50

300 by 250

250 by 250

120 by 20

168 by 28

216 by 36

468 by 60

728 by 90

144 by 144

320 by 100

336 by 280

120 by 600

160 by 600

300 by 600

320 by 480

480 by 320

768 by 1024

1024 by 768

1200 by 627

1200 by 624

1200 by 628

Blacklist An array that contain values sent during click in pub_sub2 and pub_sub3. This node contains source information that should be blacklisted.
Country Two Letter ISO Country Code. Multiple country code can be presented separated with “,”
OS ios or android
Payout Event Event on which payout will be done
Payout Value Payout value
Payout Currency Three Letter ISO Country Code of Payout Value

API Sample Response
